The RX Connect plug-in sends a clip, or multiple clips, to the RX standalone application for editing and repair. This gives you access to all of RX's modules in one place, and provides the benefits of RX's offline processing and visual interface.
To edit audio from Pro Tools in RX:
- Open your Avid Pro Tools session.
- Navigate to the AudioSuite menu, find the “Noise Reduction” or “iZotope” sub-menu and select RX Connect.
- Select a clip in the Timeline and/or in the Clip List (depending on the Selection Reference mode you are using in the AudioSuite window) that you would like to process.
- Select Repair in the RX Connect window and then click Send
- Once you do, the RX application will open with the audio file(s) you have selected
- Perform processing on your sent audio and when you are finished, click the “Send Back” button. Pro Tools will come back into focus after clicking “Send Back”
- In the AudioSuite window, click the “Render” button to apply your processing to the selected clip.
Using “Reference” mode in RX Connect:
- Select a clip in the Timeline and/or in the Clip List (depending on the Selection Reference mode you are using in the AudioSuite window) that you would like to process.
- If you want to send the clip to RX, but do not need to send it back to Pro Tools, select “Reference” and click the “Send” button.
When using RX Connect, Pro Tools may monopolize your system's audio drivers, preventing RX from playing audio through the same output device. The RX Monitor plug-in allows us to bypass this. For more information, check out this article.