Below is the list of the Default RX Application Keyboard Shortcuts:
These Keyboard Shortcuts are also located inside of the RX Reference Manual.
Ctrl/Command-O: file open
Ctrl/Command-W: file close
Ctrl/Command-S: file save
Ctrl/Command-shift-S: file save as
Ctrl/Command-shift-E: file export selection
Spacebar: play/stop
Return: return-to-zero
Ctrl/Command-L: toggle looping
Ctrl/Command-R: toggle playhead return
Ctrl/Command-F: toggle playhead follow
Ctrl/Command-shift-F: cycle playhead follow mode
Ctrl/Command-Z: undo
Ctrl/Command-Y: redo
Ctrl/Command-X: cut
Ctrl/Command-C: copy
Ctrl/Command-V: paste
Del: silence/delete
Ctrl/Command-A: select all
Ctrl/Command-comma: preferences
Alt-0 through 9 show/hide processing modules
Ctrl/Command-0 through 9 apply processing modules to the current selection
Alt-Shift-4: train denoiser with current selection
Alt-r: show/hide spectrum analyzer panel
Ctrl-Shift-0: toggle floating window opacity (you can also set this in the Misc preferences)
Ctrl/Command-equals: zoom in
Ctrl/Command-hyphen: zoom out
Ctrl/Command-shift-hyphen: zoom out full
Ctrl/Command-: zoom selection
Ctrl/Command-[: zoom left edge
Ctrl/Command-]: zoom right edge
F1: help
You can add module-specific and processing keyboard shortcuts in RX 7 > Preferences > Keyboard
Note: These Keyboard Shortcuts do not work with the RX Plug-ins.(RX modules in a host application)