What is the difference between Stutter Edit 2 vs 1?
Stutter Edit 2 has many new features in addition to its new user interface, you can see those on our website here.
How do I use the Curve Editor in Stutter Edit 2?
Use the links below to head to the Help Documentation for tips when using the Curve Editor in Stutter Edit 2:
How do I get started with preset gestures and banks?
Use the links below to go to the Help Documentation for tips when using the Preset Banks Stutter Edit 2:
How do I get set up in my host application/DAW?
Stutter Edit 2 has built-in DAW detection to help you route MIDI to it. We've made a separate article with more detail on that.
Can I import my Stutter Edit 1 presets in Stutter Edit 2?
At this time, Stutter Edit 1 presets will not work in Stutter Edit 2.