If you're unable to find your iZotope products within Studio One, you can try the steps below to locate them:
1. Rescan your plug-ins:
- Begin by opening a project and going into the Studio One Options/Preferences menu item. On a Windows system, you will find this under Studio One > Options and on a Mac this under Studio One > Preferences.
- Once the Options window opens, select Locations at the top and then VST Plug-ins from the tabs that appear. This is where we direct the Studio One software to read the location of our Plug-ins.
- Next, click Add at the bottom left of the window. This will pull up a file browser that will allow us to choose the location of your plug-ins.
Now, select the folder where the iZotope Plug-in .dll files are located. The default locations are different on Windows and Mac, so please select your folder accordingly. In many cases, the default locations are as follows:
VSTs (64-bit):
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins
VST3 (64-bit):
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3Mac
Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3 - Once you have selected your plug in folder, it should appear in the Location window. Hit Apply and OK. Your Plug-ins should now be available to access from your Instrument menu.
2. Check your plug-ins folder:
The default locations for iZotope products are:
— AU: Mac HD > Library > Audio > Plug-ins > Components
— VST: Mac HD > Library > Audio > Plug-ins > VST
— VST 3: Mac HD > Library > Audio > Plug-ins > VST 3
— 64-bit VST: C: > Program Files > Steinberg > VstPlugins
— 64-bit VST 3: C: > Program Files > Common Files > VST3 > iZotope
— 64-bit VST: C: > Program Files > Steinberg > VstPlugins
— 64-bit VST 3: C: > Program Files > Common Files > VST3 > iZotope
3. Check compatibility:
You can see each iZotope plug-ins compatibility on its specifications page. Additionally, if you're using RX, be sure to check out individual module compatibility.